
Sunday, July 4, 2010

She's here! Arrived Sunday, June 27th at 1:05 pm. 6 lbs 8 oz and 20 inches of pure heaven.


1. Barb Elder said...

I can't get enough!! She is so sweet. A blessing to have her in our family!! Kiss her for me.

2. Lindsey Orton said...

she's beautiful! Congratulations!

3. michelle said...

She is gorgeous! Congratulations Jessie!

4. Anonymous said...

Love the headband!!

5. Annegirl said...

How are you?! I miss the updates. You must be a full-time (literally) mom!

She's adorable. =)

6. MommaChelle said...

beautiful baby girl! the headband is adorable too!

7. Anonymous said...

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