Annie + Dan: Engaged

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meet the worlds coolest couple - Annie and Dan! Anne and I have been friends since way back when, and I was so flattered when she asked me to take their engagement pictures. Annie is one of the smartest, funniest girls I have ever met. We always have a gouda time ... edam, yeah (ha! inside joke :) ) Anyway, Dan is lucky to have someone as great as Annie, and I guess Dan doesn't seem so bad himself. To read their cutest love story, visit Annie's blog. Besides being a freakin' model, Annie is also a spectacular writer.

Annie and I both had the same idea, empty crates are great for peaking out of! Also, any ANTM watchers out there? How's this for fierce eyes!?

How much do I love their blue eyes? So much.

I loved Annie's ring! So elegant.

Their first date was country dancing ... and they have *perfected* the dip kiss!!


1. Annegirl said...

Jess, I love you. I love Dan. I love life. That was a blast. Thanks so much!

2. Barb Elder said...

So amazing! I love them all. Lucky girls to have you as their photographer!

3. Macie said...

So cute! They are such an adorable couple. And that inside joke at the beginning made me laugh out loud. I think of that everytime I buy cheese! :)

4. Janessa said...

I love the dip kiss!

5. brittany said...

Those photos are so fantastic jess! You really captured them beautifully!

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