Me! By Brittany

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm working on my new Web site (stay tuned, it's going to be awesome!) and I needed pictures of me for my "about me" section. I turned to one of my best friends, Brittany Andersen to take my picture. I think she did a fantastic job, but now I need help picking one. Leave your vote in the comment section.



1. Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! The last one reminds me of a recent episode of America's Next Top Model and the poses they did. So cute! I love the outfit, too--the color of the skirt is perfect.

2. Darla said...

Jessie! You are BEAUTIFUL! Its a tie between 2 and 6 for me.

3. Cheryl said...

They are all great! I like 5 and 6the best! I love your outfit too!

4. Anonymous said...

I like 6 best.

5. jill said...

They are all so cute Im a fan of the smiling ones you have such a beautiful smile.

6. Betsy said...

I like 1 and 6, but I already told you that. You have such a great smile - you should show it off.

7. Stacey Crewse said...


8. Allie Linford said...

Well first of all you must be the best subject to photograph because you are just so darn beautiful. I love all of the pictures but my favorite one is the last one, it is so darling. I love your photo website, you are such a great photgrapher. You do amazing work!!!

9. Ryan & Rachael said...

Jessie! I love # 5 or 6. The others are darling too, but not for your about me section.

10. i'm eric armstrong said...

geeze people! hands down 3.

11. Kellie said...

I love them all but if I had to choose it would be between 4 and 6

12. Barb Elder said...

I Love Love Love #4. They are all beautiful. But #4 is soooo prefect for your web site. But who am I. Just your mother:)

13. Barb Elder said...

I just had Dad look at them. He votes for #4 also. I did not tell him my pick until after he picked. You are beautiful he says.

14. Anonymous said... are BEAUTIFUL! Great shots.

15. SW Portraits said...

My vote is #2 or 3. You look very classy and elegant!

16. Benjamin and Mollie said...

Jessie, you're totally the CUTEST ever!! I love these pics :) I have to vote for #4 cause I think that it would make me want to choose you for my wedding photographer since you look so nice & fun. There's my 2 cents- can't wait to see your website!

17. Rebekah said...

6 all the way. You look friendly and approachable. You want people to think that when they view your bio page.

18. Susan said...

How fun! You are so beautiful, its a hard choice. But #4 was my very favorite! Loved the camera and you just sparkle!

19. Matthew and Jana said...
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20. Matthew and Jana said...

4, suits the purpose. 6 is great, but i vote 4 for the website

21. Christin Foscarini said...

I have to go with #3!

22. Janessa said...

Camera + hay bales + you in your pretty red skirt = my vote (second from last photo)

23. Jenny Hadley said...

Okay, you are so beautiful in all of them! It's hard to pick but I really like 6.

24. Brittanie said...

You are seriously so adorable. I like 6, 7, and 8. I think 4 is fun and happy- I like it too.

25. Annegirl said...

Fun! I like 3, 4, & 5


jessie girl ... ok #6 is the best for a photog site business type thing but they are all delish

27. Loquacious Leslie said...

Since it will be a photography blog I would choose #4. It is wonerful, but seriously all the pictures are great!

28. Whitney said...

I love number 4.

29. Sarah C. said...

I love #4 the most; but I like the last one, too. p.s. I love that skirt.

30. Lacey said...

I love 7 but all of them are great!

31. taryn said...

i love #4!

32. Hyrum and Kiera said...

I like 4!

33. Laus said...

6 is the best!

34. brittany said...

so... i like number six, but i don't love the composition, and i can say that, because i'm the one that took it. :)

35. Rach Romney said...

I like #4, 6 and 7! You look cute in all of them!

36. Full House said...

#4 for the website but I do have to say that I love the ones of you in the orange skirt. Good luck with the business. christina

37. CValentine said...

is it too late to vote!!?!?? I like 5. 5 is definately my pick.

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