Making the change ...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ETA: Web site is now LIVE!! Let me know what you think.

As you can tell by the sparse posts recently, I've been quite busy! I've been working a lot on the business end of this photography venture of mine, and I'm quite pleased with the progress I have been making. Part of that progress is my new Web site, which brings me to the main reason for this post. If you have this blog bookmarked as, you may want to switch it over to the original url for this blog because starting today the non-blogspot url will take you nowhere. And no one wants to know that they are on a path that leads nowhere, right?

And because no post feels complete with out a picture :

How cute is this Christmas card I designed for the Romney family?


1. Kat said...

Hey Jess...when I try to change the url to the blogspot one on my Google reader, it still takes me to the old one (your new website) address. I'm not sure why that is...

2. Christin Foscarini said...

Hey jess! So first thanks for the vendor listing. That is sweet of you. I have given your card out to some of my customers. I will be more religious though :) I want you to take pics of Tony and I for are Christmas card. Do you still have time?

3. Rebekah said...

Good for you on the new website!! I can't wait to go check it out:)

4. Anonymous said...

Cute card. Congrats on the new site. I'll have to go check it out!

5. Christin Foscarini said...

Sat are really the only day that tony and I are both free. I would like to do it as soon as is possible.

6. Laus said...

Jessie! Your new site is very user friendly and I love it! Kudos to you friend!

7. Christin Foscarini said...

so next sat. would be great! I really dont know as far as location?

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