Sister Mella

Monday, December 1, 2008

I have known Jenni since our sophomore year in high school. We cheered together and then (like Christin in the post below) randomly ended up in Nauvoo together for a semester. She was recently called to serve a mission in Japan, the same mission to which her mom went. All I can say is, I hope the Elder's can concentrate with this beautiful Sister around!


1. Cheryl said...

She is beautiful and I love the pictures. Now are you doing a wedding while you are here for Christmas? Jessie you have a great eye for catching the moment just right!

2. Annegirl said...

Jenni, you're so cute. You'll be such a great missionary.

3. The Seamons Family said...

I didn't know she was going on a mission! That's so awesome! She'll be a great Missionary!

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