This Saturday is a big day, it's the Thanksgiving Point Wedding Expo, and I'll be there! And if you're a bride (or groom) planning a wedding, you should be there too. Why?
1. Great door prizes from every vendor
2. Free food ... there are usually caterers there letting you sample their goods. And folks, I'm a sucker for free food so this one's a biggie.
3. Wedding show discounts are offered by a lot of the vendors just for mentioning you met them at the show, including me!
But don't just come, come prepared. You will be bombarded with information by people dying to be a part of your wedding day. Bring a pen to write down your initial thoughts on the back of their handouts, that way when you get home you'll be able to remember why you liked (or didn't like) a certain vendor.
As a newly engaged couple, my husband and I attended this same wedding expo and found some of our favorite wedding vendors here. It made planning a wedding a breeze and we both whole-heartily recommend that all brides attend.
I forgot to tell you that I saw your work in Utah Valley Bride magazine! I showed every one at my work. :) I think it's awesome how well things are working out for you!
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