The day of this wedding was cold. I mean, like, wow. Cold. So cold the handwarmers Elizabeth's family brought were reluctant to heat up. But guess what? None of that mattered to Elizabeth and Andrew. These two are so in love, even negative temperatures couldn't bring them down. A big thank you to the lovely
Lindsey Orton for helping me out at this wedding.

Elizabeth reminds me of the stunning
Idina Menzel in this next picture
Okay, remember how I figured out the link between you and your sisters and then you and all the Orem boys through your blog? Yeah - Elizabeth was my roommate my sophomore year of college. RANDOM! I can't believe you were their photog. How did that happen? Did you go to St Louis for the wedding? Crazy!
Um, that is so random! Elizabeth was so fun to work with. They actually got married here at the Oquirrh Mt. Temple.
What you know Kelli?! Random!!
We got married in UT - Jessie went to BYU Nauvoo with one of my other roommates. SMALL WORLD!!
LOVE the pictures Jessie! Can't wait to see the rest! Thank you so much!!
Oh the small small world of Mormondom! Congrats Elizabeth :) I meant to say something on Facebook but never got around to it! You are GORGEOUS in all your pictures!
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