Norah Norah Norah

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So Norah had picked out a cute dress to wear today (yes, she picked it herself) and I thought, "you know, you've been so busy photographing everyone else you haven't taken many pictures of your daughter recently. You should get on that." So, I did. We were out and about running errands and I decided to stop at a park to snap a few quick shots.

They started out decently cute ...

But she mostly just ran from me ...

Until she discovered the mud puddle ...

And like any crazy mom, I let her splish splash to her heart's content, all the while photographing the muddy goodness.

Then she realized, it probably wasn't very lady like and backed away from the mud ...

And wondered, "why would my mommy let me do this? She must be nuts."


1. Barb Elder said...

Those are so cute!! Your a wonderful mom. Way to go Jessie!!

2. Sherry said...

Goodness she is CUTE! I have some of Lincs i've needed to post for a while and they are pretty much like this-all candid style! She sure grew fast.

3. Lindsey Orton said...

hahah that last picture is my favorite!

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