Do you Pinterest?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Pinterest. I love it, follow me here and let me know so I can follow you back. If you don't Pinterest and want to, let me know and I can send you an invite! It's a fabulous way to do many things including:

1. Putting together inspiration boards for weddings, family photo shoots and any other photographed event! Can't decide what to dress your family in for a shoot? Pin a bunch of outfits that are in the running, then see how they all look together. Wedding planning got you down? Same thing, pin everything you like and see how it flows. See what the ever-inspiring Jen Cambell of Green Wedding Shoes has to say about Pinterest Wedding Planning.

2. Figuring out what's for dinner. And dessert. Seriously, so many tried and true recipes. You just type what you have a hankering for into the handy-dandy search bar and *tada!* yummy goodness before your eyes.

3. Feeling crafty? Then Pinterest is the place for you. Quilts, wreaths, clothing, you name it - Pinterest can help you figure out how to make it.

And do you think I'd leave you without some lovely eye candy? Of course not:

From a super fun shoot this week orchestrated by the fabulous Carrie from White Ginger Events. The big blog post with all the photo goodness from this shoot is coming soon, but I couldn't resist enticing you with a sneak peek!

Hair: Hair by Jewels
Dress and accessories: Avenia Bridal


1. Anonymous said...

Stunning! Absolutely LOVE this shot -great work Miss Jessie ❤

2. Stephanie said...

Oh my, one more rave review for pinterest...I may have to give in and join!

3. Chance & Leslee Lundgren said...

Jessie, I have never taken the time to figure out Pinterest.. I need to get on there and try it out! I hear it's awesome!

4. brittany grimm said...

they are lookin good! but our cheer pictures are still the best! :) "randomly" pick me!

5. Tami P said...

I love that dress! I am looking forward to seeing more :) thanks for the insight about pinterest. I haven't heard too much about it, but it sounds like more fun the more I hear about it.

6. Carly said...

I'm excited that you are on pinterest... I want to see all your cute things you have pinned for little Norah! Beautiful photo, as always!

7. Karissa Kay said...

I'm already following you on pinterest. It's so addicting! I love all the recipes. We've already tried out several. We'll be in Utah for Chistmas! Hopefully we can get everyone together for a party or something!

8. Annegirl said...

I might have to check that out! In other news, you should randomly pick me, since I'm even willing to travel to YOU. =)

9. Unknown said...

Pinterest is a lot of fun! I'm assuming here is where I leave a comment to be entered for the free mini shoot? Hope I win! Your photography is great.

10. Macie said...

I need to get on Pinterest! I'm just afraid that if I do I won't get anything done ever!

11. Caitlin said...

Love pinterest.... a bit too addicting though :)

12. Brittanie said...

Love, love LOVE that dress! Fabulous shot! And, yes, Pinterest is the best!

13. Jacquie said...


14. Anonymous said...

I LOVE Pinterest! I will have to start following you! Beautiful work as always!

15. Becca said...

Pinterest is so addicting. I love it! I am also hoping that I win a free photo shoot since I'm ridiculously poor and in need of cute pictures. Haha. Way to be jessie. Every time I see your photos I think they become more beautiful.

16. lmarsh said...

I'm with you Becca! I want cute pictures, but it's not really part of the budget right now. I've never visited pintrest, but I might give it a try. (With all my free time buahahahahha! That's a laugh!) Secretly, I'm hoping I win so I can plan a trip to come to Cedar Hills and get a free photo shoot!!!!

17. Christalina said...

Gorgeous photo!! :)

18. Matt and Gina Cook said...

Stacy was telling us at dr perrys about pinterest guess I need to get in on the know? Pick me please my family needed new family pics. if not I need an appointment.

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