Cover Girl

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! 2011 was amazing, and I predict 2012 is going to be even better! I mean, how could it not when I'm starting out the year with one of my favorite weddings featured on the COVER of one of my favorite magazines!!! (picture me squealing with delight :) ) I've long been a fan of Utah Valley Bride magazine. I even remember walking down to Borders in Riverwoods with my best friend Macie long before we could drive just to peruse each beautiful page. And I might be biased, but I think the 2012 magazine is the best issue ever. Each glossy page is filled with wedding goodness that's sure to inspire. So do yourself a favor and pick up a copy today!


1. Adam and Bri said...

Can I tell you how obsessed I am with your cover?

So, so obsessed.

You are ridiculously talented, you are. :)

2. SAS Floral said...

Congrats! Awesome job!

3. SAS Floral said...

Congrats! Awesome job!

4. Trisha said...

Congratulations! That is a stunning cover!

5. lynette said...

Jessie, You rock the world of light! Could not be more stunning,

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